Where to stay in Castile-La Mancha
- Toledo
- 592 hotels
- Cuenca
- 347 hotels
- Albacete
- 148 hotels
- Almagro
- 98 hotels
- Ripoar
- 91 hotels
- Guadalajara
- 71 hotels
- Siguenza
- 67 hotels
- Ruidera
- 67 hotels
- Alcala del Jucar
- 61 hotels
- Ciudad Real
- 56 hotels
- Talavera De La Reina
- 43 hotels
- Ossa De Montiel
- 32 hotels
- Salobre
- 29 hotels
- Yeste
- 26 hotels
- Letur
- 26 hotels
- Bogarra
- 25 hotels
- Belmonte
- 24 hotels
- Valeria
- 24 hotels
- Valdepenas
- 23 hotels
- Tragacete
- 22 hotels
- Manzanares
- 22 hotels
- Alcazar de San Juan
- 21 hotels
- Villalba De La Sierra
- 21 hotels
- Consuegra
- 20 hotels
- Tomelloso
- 20 hotels
- Villarrobledo
- 19 hotels
- Daimiel
- 19 hotels
- Argamasilla De Alba
- 18 hotels
- Herencia
- 18 hotels
- Casas de Ves
- 18 hotels
- Arcas
- 17 hotels
- Casas del Cerro
- 16 hotels
- Elche de la Sierra
- 15 hotels
- Hellin
- 15 hotels
- Almorox
- 15 hotels
- Villanueva de los Infantes
- 15 hotels
- Alcaraz
- 15 hotels
- Almansa
- 14 hotels
- Oropesa
- 14 hotels
- Brihuega
- 14 hotels
- Mota del Cuervo
- 14 hotels
- Una
- 14 hotels
- Sesena
- 14 hotels
- Orgaz
- 14 hotels
- Uceda
- 13 hotels
- Buendia
- 13 hotels
- El Toboso
- 13 hotels
- Guadamur
- 13 hotels
- Albalate De Zorita
- 13 hotels
- Ayna
- 13 hotels
- Argés
- 12 hotels
- Castellar De La Muela
- 12 hotels
- Ocana
- 12 hotels
- Santa Cruz de Mudela
- 12 hotels
- Tarancon
- 12 hotels
- Madridejos
- 12 hotels
- Los Navalucillos
- 12 hotels
- Campo de Criptana
- 12 hotels
- Beteta
- 11 hotels
- La Guardia
- 11 hotels
- Casas Ibanez
- 11 hotels
- Horche
- 11 hotels
- Alarcon
- 11 hotels
- Puertollano
- 11 hotels
- Valdeganga
- 10 hotels
- Sonseca
- 10 hotels
- Hita
- 10 hotels
- Jorquera
- 10 hotels
- Nerpio
- 9 hotels
- San Pablo de los Montes
- 9 hotels
- Villarrubia de los Ojos
- 9 hotels
- Navahermosa
- 9 hotels
- Peralejos De Las Truchas
- 9 hotels
- Navas De Estena
- 8 hotels
- Palomera
- 8 hotels
- Hontanar
- 8 hotels
- Enguidanos
- 8 hotels
- Atienza
- 8 hotels
- Malagón
- 8 hotels
- La Roda
- 8 hotels
- Los Cortijos
- 8 hotels
- Hueva
- 8 hotels
- La Solana
- 8 hotels
- El Robledo
- 8 hotels
- Sacedon
- 8 hotels
- Villarubio
- 7 hotels
- Reolid
- 7 hotels
- Puebla de Don Rodrigo
- 7 hotels
- Majaelrayo
- 7 hotels
- Pastrana
- 7 hotels
- Cantalojas
- 7 hotels
- El Morrión
- 7 hotels
- Fuente-Álamo (Castile-La Mancha)
- 7 hotels
- Los Eustaquios
- 7 hotels
- Miguel Esteban
- 7 hotels
- Pedro Muñoz
- 7 hotels
- Retuerta Del Bullaque
- 7 hotels
- Burguillos De Toledo
- 7 hotels
- Burujón
- 7 hotels
- Bolanos de Calatrava
- 6 hotels
- Bargas
- 6 hotels
- Alhambra
- 6 hotels
- San Clemente
- 6 hotels
- Torrico
- 6 hotels
- Torrijos
- 6 hotels
- Humanes
- 6 hotels
- Mahora
- 6 hotels
- Canada Del Hoyo
- 6 hotels
- Olías Del Rey
- 6 hotels
- Aragosa
- 6 hotels
- Tamajon
- 6 hotels
- Castellar de Santiago
- 6 hotels
- Almadén (Castile-La Mancha)
- 6 hotels
- Priego
- 6 hotels
- Carranque
- 6 hotels
- Rillo de Gallo
- 6 hotels
- Urda
- 6 hotels
- Totanes
- 6 hotels
- Brazatortas
- 5 hotels
- San Pedro de la Mata
- 5 hotels
- Alborea
- 5 hotels
- Puente de Vadillos
- 5 hotels
- Gálvez
- 5 hotels
- Picon
- 5 hotels
- Alpera
- 5 hotels
- Penarrubia
- 5 hotels
- Zafra de Záncara
- 5 hotels
- Villahermosa
- 5 hotels
- Villarta
- 5 hotels
- Zaorejas
- 5 hotels
- Villacañas
- 5 hotels
- Cotillas
- 5 hotels
- Arbancón
- 5 hotels
- Quintanar Del Rey
- 5 hotels
- Checa
- 5 hotels
- Canete
- 5 hotels
- Castillo De Bayuela
- 5 hotels
- Cazalegas
- 5 hotels
- Villaverde De Guadalimar
- 5 hotels
- Nambroca
- 5 hotels
- Mocejon
- 5 hotels
- Mondejar
- 5 hotels
- Layos
- 5 hotels
- Yuncos
- 5 hotels
- Canamares
- 5 hotels
- Torralba De Oropesa
- 5 hotels
- Illescas
- 4 hotels
- Alcolea Del Pinar
- 4 hotels
- Villar De Olalla
- 4 hotels
- El Provencio
- 4 hotels
- Azuqueca De Henares
- 4 hotels
- La Iglesuela
- 4 hotels
- Navamorcuende
- 4 hotels
- El Real De San Vicente
- 4 hotels
- Mora
- 4 hotels
- Valdecabras
- 4 hotels
- Huete
- 4 hotels
- Ablanque
- 4 hotels
- Almiruete
- 4 hotels
- La Mata (Castile-La Mancha)
- 4 hotels
- Villaluenga de la Sagra
- 4 hotels
- Santa Olalla
- 4 hotels
- Molinicos
- 4 hotels
- Segurilla
- 4 hotels
- El Bonillo
- 4 hotels
- Socovos
- 4 hotels
- Uclés
- 4 hotels
- Trillo
- 4 hotels
- Casas de Lazaro
- 4 hotels
- Iniesta
- 4 hotels
- Tembleque
- 4 hotels
- Villarrubia De Santiago
- 4 hotels
- Dosbarrios
- 4 hotels
- Torrenueva
- 4 hotels
- Campillo de Altobuey
- 4 hotels
- Santa Cruz De La Zarza
- 3 hotels
- Hoya-Gonzalo
- 3 hotels
- Piedrabuena
- 3 hotels
- Montiel
- 3 hotels
- Hormigos
- 3 hotels
- Tierzo
- 3 hotels
- Condemios de Abajo
- 3 hotels
- Villaminaya
- 3 hotels
- El Simarro
- 3 hotels
- Almodóvar del Campo
- 3 hotels
- Los Alejos
- 3 hotels
- Huerta del Marquesado
- 3 hotels
- Cenizate
- 3 hotels
- Albares
- 3 hotels
- Montearagón
- 3 hotels
- Serranillos Playa
- 3 hotels
- Marrupe
- 3 hotels
- Las Herencias
- 3 hotels
- Albendiego
- 3 hotels
- Atanzon
- 3 hotels
- Santa Maria
- 3 hotels
- Hiendelaencina
- 3 hotels
- Cozar
- 3 hotels
- Casas De Los Pinos
- 3 hotels
- Canada De Calatrava
- 3 hotels
- Honrubia
- 3 hotels
- Esquivias
- 3 hotels
- Horcajo de los Montes
- 3 hotels
- Jabaga
- 3 hotels
- Fuentes
- 3 hotels
- La Losilla
- 3 hotels
- Paracuellos
- 3 hotels
- Miguelturra
- 3 hotels
- Motilla Del Palancar
- 3 hotels
- Alovera
- 2 hotels
- Vara De Rey
- 2 hotels
- Valdeverdeja
- 2 hotels
- Los Huertos
- 2 hotels
- Landete
- 2 hotels
- Paterna Del Madera
- 2 hotels
- Moral De Calatrava
- 2 hotels
- Alcoba
- 2 hotels
- Fuentelespino De Haro
- 2 hotels
- Argamasilla De Calatrava
- 2 hotels
- Fuensalida
- 2 hotels
- Chinchilla De Monte Aragón
- 2 hotels
- Quintanar de la Orden
- 2 hotels
- Zorita de los Canes
- 2 hotels
- Jadraque
- 2 hotels
- Yepes
- 2 hotels
- Abánades
- 2 hotels
- Torija
- 2 hotels
- Fuertescusa
- 2 hotels
- Corral de Almaguer
- 2 hotels
- Cilanco
- 2 hotels
- Nuno Gomez
- 2 hotels
- Granatula De Calatrava
- 2 hotels
- Villar de Cañas
- 2 hotels
- Chillón
- 2 hotels
- Villa de Ves
- 2 hotels
- Munera
- 2 hotels
- Poveda de la Sierra
- 2 hotels
- Poyatos
- 2 hotels
- Minaya
- 2 hotels
- Matillas
- 2 hotels
- Villares de Jadraque
- 2 hotels
- Pelahustán
- 2 hotels
- Valverde de Jucar
- 2 hotels
- Anchuela Del Pedregal
- 2 hotels
- Almoguera
- 2 hotels
- Terrinches
- 2 hotels
- Carrascosa Del Campo
- 2 hotels
- Lillo
- 2 hotels
- La Calzada de Calatrava
- 2 hotels
- La Puebla de Almoradiel
- 2 hotels
- El Pobo de Duenas
- 2 hotels
- Valmojado
- 2 hotels
- Villatoya
- 2 hotels
- Talayuelas
- 2 hotels
- Ribatajadilla
- 2 hotels
- Rubielos Bajos
- 2 hotels
- La Alameda de la Sagra
- 1 hotel
- Calera Y Chozas
- 1 hotel
- Castilnuevo
- 1 hotel
- San Bartolome de las Abiertas
- 1 hotel
- Herreruela de Oropesa
- 1 hotel
- Villar Del Maestre
- 1 hotel
- Pozo-Lorente
- 1 hotel
- Las Pedroñeras
- 1 hotel
- Villanueva de la Fuente
- 1 hotel
- Pálmaces de Jadraque
- 1 hotel
- Cogolludo
- 1 hotel
- Almendral de la Cañada
- 1 hotel
- Almonacid de Zorita
- 1 hotel
- Río Madera de Abajo
- 1 hotel
- Villanueva de Guadamejud
- 1 hotel
- Romanones
- 1 hotel
- Anover de Tajo
- 1 hotel
- Torralba De Calatrava
- 1 hotel
- Higueruela
- 1 hotel
- Pineda De Gigüela
- 1 hotel
- Hinojosas De Calatrava
- 1 hotel
- Ribagorda
- 1 hotel
- Pineda Del Ciguela
- 1 hotel
- Ballesteros de Calatrava
- 1 hotel
- Buenaventura
- 1 hotel
- Monteagudo de las Salinas
- 1 hotel
- Algora
- 1 hotel
- La Estrella
- 1 hotel
- Monasterio
- 1 hotel
Castile-La Mancha hotels & accommodations
Spacious and clean room good for families with bunk beds Good location close to laundry and good food La Latina Laundry place Electolux was accommodating in washing our clothes that we needed immediately.
Part of Spain's historic "Paradors," and a gold value for the money. Hotel had the most amazing views of Cuenca's hanging houses, Las Casas Colgadas, housing the Spain's Museum of Abstract Art. This alone, is worth a trip to Cuenca. Hotel includes a wonderful complete breakfast, but be forewarned, the dining room only opens for dinner at 8:30 PM.
We stayed here only 1 night, arrived late after a long day driving. The receptionist was friendly and accommodating. He kindly showed us another room when we did not like the original room we were given. In order to get to our original room, we had to walk up and down some stairs, we had luggages and a baby stroller. In the end, we chose to stay in the original room be...
We had a 3 night stay here and were both very happy with our choice. Although a short , 10min, walk outside the city walls of Toledo this hotel was in perfect location and much cheaper than those within the city walls. Well worth walking the 10 minutes. Excellent breakfast buffet with great choice of foods, teas and coffees. Very friendly staff. Would stay here again...
The hotel is not, as of July 2012, marked at the right address in google maps. It is further up the road on the left side, when coming from the roundabout. The bed was way to firm for my liking. Glad I only had to sleep on it for one night. Both glasses in the minibar was dirty and the prices of the minibar was rather high. Guess the have to make money somehow. ...
For me, the place was hard to find initially. The automobile elevator and the parking garage were impossible cramped. But the hotel is located in the center of town, a great place for walking to countless nearby restaurants. So far as I can remember the room, though a bit on the small side, was OK, as was the bed, bathroom, etc.
Lovely clean, centrally located apartment with everything you could need. It was great staying there, glad we made the choice and chose them. Don't miss the escalator trip, right next to the parking taking you up and down the mountain.
The hotel is centrally located near the main plaza. Room is very clean. We stayed at the fourth floor and the room has a good view of the old city. Staff their are very polite and speaks very good English. I booked a double room with breakfast on Agoda but it was stated that breakfast not included on the booking voucher. The reception took the effort to call the booki...
It locates near the entrance of the old town Toredo, and easy to walk in the down center, apartment room is big and very clean. Parking is unavailable on the narrow street, however, the public parking is about 300 meters away and ok to walk there if there's no heavy luggage.
The novelty and fantasy of living in a real castle previously owned by bishops was more than enough to overlook other shortcomings. The castle is beautiful. They run once daily tours of the castle, at 5pm. Wish they would run another one in the morning to allow more guests to avail of it. We arrived at 7pm and left at 2pm, so we missed the tour completely. The dow...
town. This is the best hotel in town and its within a 5 minutes walk to the town centre. We parked in front of the hotel entrance (€9) to check in and with the room card, we managed to get into the hotel parking which was quite spacious. The room was very big and nicely designed although the bathroom was quite bizarre as it has no door. Breakfast was very good with lot...
One of the best hostels I have ever stayed in! Beautifully an artistically decorated from inside, comfortable, clean and just in general with a great vibe! Everything you need if you are backpacking or just staying couple of days in Cuenca. Great breakfast included, and there is a bus (L1) you can catch on the same street that goes up to the main cathedral and tourist ...
good food, nice location, beautiful decoration and best in class the room.
Arriving at the Parado de Almagro was like being welcomed into our own exclusive club. The restoration of the convent has been done in a way that enhances the peace and tranquility of the original building and the reception staff were attentive and helpful. Our room overlooked a courtyard with fountain and added to the feeling of simple luxury.
We just booked this place because it was on our route to the South of Spain. The inside of the place is very art deco and the rooms (recently updated) couldn't be better. Good beds, great shower. The lady at reception (Carmen) couldn't have been more friendly and helpful, very professional. Highly recommended.
The friendliness and patience of the staff was particularly appreciated as I arrived tired and in need of advice. The room was small, but quite adequate for a single person. It was modern, quiet, with a great bed with nice soft pillows, and a good bathroom. The hotel location is a bonus as it is at the top of the old city of Toledo, a step away from the Santa Cruz Muse...
There are not a lot of hotel selections here. The hotel is nice and lovely. Most importantly it is clean, the furnitures and designs are a little old but the rooms are decently sized. Our parents love it here and we really enjoy the stay. The price for the room and breakfast are really reasonable. The breakfast has great choices and the selections are sufficient. Brea...
Great find, lovely pool very friendly staff.
Loved this hotel. In an old choir house and kept most of its original features. Entrance on a cute laneway. We had a mountain view and it was worth it. Stunning views of the monastery. A very peaceful place to stay, 2 minutes walk to main square and cathedral. Breakfast was excellent with stunning views.
I stayed in a the penthouse and it was a very beautiful room. I loved everything in the hotel! I absolutely recommend it.
Studio apartment with 1 bedroom.Perfect view from the apartment.Walking distance to hanging house & some nice restaurant.Friendly host Laura.Clean & nice design of the apartment.For group or family will be great staying in Alizaque Lodge, total 5 apartments.
Location and welcome. Innovative parking lol.
Room is nice and the staff at the reception is kind and helpful enough. (It would be quite difficult to find the location for the fist time but as I took a taxi from the bus station, the driver was well known about the hotel and restaurant)
The location is amazing. The staff was extremely friendly clean rooms comfortable beds and nice bathrooms. Everything you need for a day or 2 in Cuenca. Parking is 12e per 24 hours.
great hotel for business travellers, nice rooms, very conveninet location, next to a mall, unfortunately outskirt of the town, directly at the highway located the hotel features whatever you desire, madrid is about 1 hour away by car and therefore if you need to work closeby guadalajara it is the best place to stay
A great place to stop in a very pretty building in beautiful grounds. The man on reception is very helpful and welcoming. The rooms are large and clean and very confortable. The bathrooms do need a upgrade, they are quite dated. We have only used the resturant for breakfast , that is the usual Paradore great breakfast. The meals we have taken in the bar have been ok. W...
Good location. Clean comfortable room. Heating not working. Breakfast needs improvement. Friendly helpful staff.
This was one of the high points of our Spanish holiday. Oropesa is a couple of hours away from Madrid but is easy to find and well worth going to if you are on your way to or from Madrid or Toledo. The hotel is everything you would hope for from a 14th century paradour. Simply wandering around the place is a sightseing adventure in itself. Good quality meals and very f...
What a great hotel. Super price with a good, large room which was very clean and really great bathroom. Staff were friendly and helpful. Would definately stay here again!
Very good middle class hotel located in the very centre of the town. Attractive prices and friendly staff. Good breakfast.
Cheap places to stay in Castile-La Mancha
One of the best hostels I have ever stayed in! Beautifully an artistically decorated from inside, comfortable, clean and just in general with a great vibe! Everything you need if you are backpacking or just staying couple of days in Cuenca. Great breakfast included, and there is a bus (L1) you can catch on the same street that goes up to the main cathedral and tourist ...
The rate was very very very cheap, given the amenities in the room. The Hotel is actually a few units in an apartment building. However, the interiors are very tastefully decorated. However, internet was not working. There is no staff after a certain time, so it is more like renting a apartment rather than a hotel. If arriving at weird hours, it is important to inform ...
We liked the cozy hotel room. The room was clean, well kept and everything worked. The front staff were especially accomodating. When we needed to call ahead for the next booking in another city the front desk person gladly called. The cafeteria was situated in a nice room on the ground floor. Once again the food was good and service excellent. We give Hotel Cortes two...
We went there for only one night but we found a perfect place to stay for weeks. The room was recently painted and everthing completely clean. The only problem was we were looking for a double bed and they gave us twins. They were very nice because they suggested to move one of the bed to put them together. If we come back again we will go there again.
Good location. Clean comfortable room. Heating not working. Breakfast needs improvement. Friendly helpful staff.
Loved this hotel. In an old choir house and kept most of its original features. Entrance on a cute laneway. We had a mountain view and it was worth it. Stunning views of the monastery. A very peaceful place to stay, 2 minutes walk to main square and cathedral. Breakfast was excellent with stunning views.
I sent two days in the hotel and everything met my expectations (staff, room, equipment...).
This Hotel is set right in the middle of Albacete. A number of the approach roads were closed because of the Fiesta and the others are one way. I had booked parking but then on arrival they told me I couldn’t have parking until 6pm and maybe not even then. I had to park in an underground public car park nearby. The room was clean and comfortable if basic. It is n...
We arrived and were welcomed. The room was very comfortable and between nights all the towels were changed. The restaurant for breakfast was minimal, good and most enjoyable. The weekend was excellent
It was a very pleasant stay providing me with rest, comfort and convenience at an affordable price.
The pro as above and close to a shopping center with plenty of food outlets. The only downside was as the beds were hard and slightly uncomfortable softer beds would give it a ten star rating.
The friendliness and patience of the staff was particularly appreciated as I arrived tired and in need of advice. The room was small, but quite adequate for a single person. It was modern, quiet, with a great bed with nice soft pillows, and a good bathroom. The hotel location is a bonus as it is at the top of the old city of Toledo, a step away from the Santa Cruz Muse...
It's a great, private house rather than a hotel as listed in the list. The host gave a very warm welcome and homely feel. Highly recommended if you have a car and would like to be away from the crowds.
Arrived and our two rooms that we had booked were no longer available. They conveniently still had a quad room which was then our only option. Not offered much of an apology or even a much better rate (5 euros less!). The room was very basic, bathroom dirty and had no facilities - we didn't even get enough towels for four people. I would not stay here again
The hotel is centrally located near the main plaza. Room is very clean. We stayed at the fourth floor and the room has a good view of the old city. Staff their are very polite and speaks very good English. I booked a double room with breakfast on Agoda but it was stated that breakfast not included on the booking voucher. The reception took the effort to call the booki...
bar staff particular we're very unwelcoming
We have stayed at the hotel twice, and will use this excellent hotel again. We are a retired couple and a large 🐕 dog. Both visits we were made welcome. The bedrooms are lovely and there is a great tapas bar and shop selling local produce.☺
For me, the place was hard to find initially. The automobile elevator and the parking garage were impossible cramped. But the hotel is located in the center of town, a great place for walking to countless nearby restaurants. So far as I can remember the room, though a bit on the small side, was OK, as was the bed, bathroom, etc.
Stunning location right on the gorge, with a tremendous view directly from our window. Cuenca was an interesting overnight stop with great scenery and restaurants.Also the possibility of scenic walks for a longer stay.Comfortable room, friendly staff and great local breakfast. Arrived on AVE fast train from Madrid and continued next day to Valencia.
It is our intention to stay in this hotel during spring 2017.. I would recommend La Paloma to any person wishing to see Spain away from normal holiday resorts.
It is clean tidy they give some small toiletries and it was warm. We went in the cold months and not everywhere has heating. But they have air con and heating. And the car park was easy the staff were helpful. It's about 10minutes walk to the square. Or 10minutes drive to the DropZone.
We stayed here only 1 night, arrived late after a long day driving. The receptionist was friendly and accommodating. He kindly showed us another room when we did not like the original room we were given. In order to get to our original room, we had to walk up and down some stairs, we had luggages and a baby stroller. In the end, we chose to stay in the original room be...
The apartment was perfect, well located and with nice views. Clean and very well prepared with kitchenette and living room separated from the bed room. The balcony a bit small, but it was an old house renovated, which means there is nothing they could do about this. I would come back.
The hotel is not, as of July 2012, marked at the right address in google maps. It is further up the road on the left side, when coming from the roundabout. The bed was way to firm for my liking. Glad I only had to sleep on it for one night. Both glasses in the minibar was dirty and the prices of the minibar was rather high. Guess the have to make money somehow. ...
Very good middle class hotel located in the very centre of the town. Attractive prices and friendly staff. Good breakfast.
Location and welcome. Innovative parking lol.
“Really enjoyed our stay in Toledo” Located within the old town, the Santa Tome Hostal was a 'gem'. Rooms were spotless and surprisingly spacious.. Amenities were thoughtfully provided. Aircon worked well in the heat of summer. A lift was useful for moving luggages. Wifi worked. Staff were very helpful and friendly sharing tips and stories. Parking could be a challenge...
Our stay was good. Everything was average and easy. Thanks.
very relaxed, fast check-in and out, clean small room with good bathroom and cool temperature. Choice of in-house restaurant (good) or 'cafe' style for travellers (also good). Staff helpful with advice, visited nearby windmills of Don Quixote fame. Location next to main A4 made for very easy finding and for quick getaway in morning.
A disaster; we chose it as the website stated it was in Toledo and the confirmation of booking gave only the street address...avenida de toledo!!a In fact the hotel is 82 kilometres from Toledo city as it is in Talavera la Reina, is under new management and is no longer called the Talavera oasis hotel!! We arrivedndd no name of town or a telephone no: so unlike Agoda?...
4-star hotels in Castile-La Mancha
Spacious and clean room good for families with bunk beds Good location close to laundry and good food La Latina Laundry place Electolux was accommodating in washing our clothes that we needed immediately.
Part of Spain's historic "Paradors," and a gold value for the money. Hotel had the most amazing views of Cuenca's hanging houses, Las Casas Colgadas, housing the Spain's Museum of Abstract Art. This alone, is worth a trip to Cuenca. Hotel includes a wonderful complete breakfast, but be forewarned, the dining room only opens for dinner at 8:30 PM.
We had a 3 night stay here and were both very happy with our choice. Although a short , 10min, walk outside the city walls of Toledo this hotel was in perfect location and much cheaper than those within the city walls. Well worth walking the 10 minutes. Excellent breakfast buffet with great choice of foods, teas and coffees. Very friendly staff. Would stay here again...
The hotel is not, as of July 2012, marked at the right address in google maps. It is further up the road on the left side, when coming from the roundabout. The bed was way to firm for my liking. Glad I only had to sleep on it for one night. Both glasses in the minibar was dirty and the prices of the minibar was rather high. Guess the have to make money somehow. ...
For me, the place was hard to find initially. The automobile elevator and the parking garage were impossible cramped. But the hotel is located in the center of town, a great place for walking to countless nearby restaurants. So far as I can remember the room, though a bit on the small side, was OK, as was the bed, bathroom, etc.
The novelty and fantasy of living in a real castle previously owned by bishops was more than enough to overlook other shortcomings. The castle is beautiful. They run once daily tours of the castle, at 5pm. Wish they would run another one in the morning to allow more guests to avail of it. We arrived at 7pm and left at 2pm, so we missed the tour completely. The dow...
town. This is the best hotel in town and its within a 5 minutes walk to the town centre. We parked in front of the hotel entrance (€9) to check in and with the room card, we managed to get into the hotel parking which was quite spacious. The room was very big and nicely designed although the bathroom was quite bizarre as it has no door. Breakfast was very good with lot...
Arriving at the Parado de Almagro was like being welcomed into our own exclusive club. The restoration of the convent has been done in a way that enhances the peace and tranquility of the original building and the reception staff were attentive and helpful. Our room overlooked a courtyard with fountain and added to the feeling of simple luxury.
We just booked this place because it was on our route to the South of Spain. The inside of the place is very art deco and the rooms (recently updated) couldn't be better. Good beds, great shower. The lady at reception (Carmen) couldn't have been more friendly and helpful, very professional. Highly recommended.
There are not a lot of hotel selections here. The hotel is nice and lovely. Most importantly it is clean, the furnitures and designs are a little old but the rooms are decently sized. Our parents love it here and we really enjoy the stay. The price for the room and breakfast are really reasonable. The breakfast has great choices and the selections are sufficient. Brea...
Great find, lovely pool very friendly staff.
I stayed in a the penthouse and it was a very beautiful room. I loved everything in the hotel! I absolutely recommend it.
great hotel for business travellers, nice rooms, very conveninet location, next to a mall, unfortunately outskirt of the town, directly at the highway located the hotel features whatever you desire, madrid is about 1 hour away by car and therefore if you need to work closeby guadalajara it is the best place to stay
A great place to stop in a very pretty building in beautiful grounds. The man on reception is very helpful and welcoming. The rooms are large and clean and very confortable. The bathrooms do need a upgrade, they are quite dated. We have only used the resturant for breakfast , that is the usual Paradore great breakfast. The meals we have taken in the bar have been ok. W...
This was one of the high points of our Spanish holiday. Oropesa is a couple of hours away from Madrid but is easy to find and well worth going to if you are on your way to or from Madrid or Toledo. The hotel is everything you would hope for from a 14th century paradour. Simply wandering around the place is a sightseing adventure in itself. Good quality meals and very f...
Very good middle class hotel located in the very centre of the town. Attractive prices and friendly staff. Good breakfast.
During check-in the receptionist sent me to a room that had not been cleaned from the last guest. I had to get back down and ask for another room. Very average hotel, but the WIFI was good.
We were driving through Spain and needed a one night stop over to break up the journey and this was it, it's a clean modern business hotel. Functional rooms with good Wifi throughout. The city does not have much to offer but there are some good bars and shops very close to the hotel
A disaster; we chose it as the website stated it was in Toledo and the confirmation of booking gave only the street address...avenida de toledo!!a In fact the hotel is 82 kilometres from Toledo city as it is in Talavera la Reina, is under new management and is no longer called the Talavera oasis hotel!! We arrivedndd no name of town or a telephone no: so unlike Agoda?...
On our way down from Bilbao to Almeria. A very good stop off point. Excellent facilities and staff. Gourmet restaurant excellent if a little above our league! Very good wine shop. Will definitely recommend to friends & family.
It was a very nice stay with great people, a very warm welcome, a great experience of winetasting and the dinner was absolutely amazing.
Come here for solitude and serenity, and rest by the pool surrounded by grape vines. Jaime will make sure you fel at home. Dine at the window and feel the cool mountain breeze.
Luxury hotels in Castile-La Mancha
good food, nice location, beautiful decoration and best in class the room.
This hotel situated close to the Toledo city, you can either take a bus ride of 5-10 min from city centre, or walk to the hotel. the hotel special design is worth every dollar. Our room has direct access to the common garden which is huge, and have the best view of the city. The bathroom is extremely spacious, with both bath tub and shower in separated space. the de...
Couldn't have been better. The best possible choice for staying in Toledo.
It's a great, private house rather than a hotel as listed in the list. The host gave a very warm welcome and homely feel. Highly recommended if you have a car and would like to be away from the crowds.
Popular hotels
Frequently asked questions
What's the average price of a hotel in Castile-La Mancha?
The average price for a 3-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha is USD 79. The average price for a 4-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha is USD 115. The average price for a 5-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha is USD 147.
What's the average price of a hotel in Castile-La Mancha this weekend?
The average price for a 3-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha this weekend is USD 73. The average price for a 4-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha this weekend is USD 114. The average price for a 5-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha this weekend is USD 152.
What's the average price of a hotel in Castile-La Mancha tonight?
The average price for a 3-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha tonight is USD 78. The average price for a 4-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha tonight is USD 121. The average price for a 5-star hotel in Castile-La Mancha tonight is USD 132.
What are the most popular hotels in Castile-La Mancha?
Some of our most popular hotels in Castile-La Mancha are Parador de Toledo, Hotel Santa Cecilia and Hotel Santa Isabel.
What are the best hotels in Castile-La Mancha for couples?
Hotels in Castile-La Mancha that are highly rated by couples include Parador de Toledo, Hotel Santa Cecilia and Hotel Santa Isabel.
What are the best hotels in Castile-La Mancha for families?
Hotels in Castile-La Mancha that are highly rated by families include Parador de Toledo, Hotel Santa Cecilia and Hotel Santa Isabel.
What hotels in Castile-La Mancha have the best views?
Verified travelers to Castile-La Mancha have given top reviews for the views at Hotel Intur Alcazar de San Juan, Hotel Pax Guadalajara and Chess Hotel Europa.
What hotels in Castile-La Mancha have the best breakfast?
Verified travelers to Castile-La Mancha have given top reviews for the breakfast at Hotel Pax Guadalajara, Chess Hotel Europa and Abad Toledo.
What are the best cities in Castile-La Mancha to stay in?
Popular cities among travelers staying in Castile-La Mancha include Toledo, Ciudad Real and Cuenca.